View our transformative tummy tuck procedures.

What It Is

A tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure ideal for removing excess tissue from your abdominal area. This cosmetic treatment removes excess skin and fat from the area caused by aging, genetics, childbirth, and extreme weight fluctuations. This surgical procedure can help you regain strength in your abdominal muscles or address excess tissue resistant to diet and exercise. Abdominoplasty is ideal for addressing the look of a protruding stomach. Commonly paired with other body contouring procedures during a mommy makeover, many individuals opt for this surgery along with liposuction or breast augmentation.

Procedure Overview

Your tummy tuck will be performed under general anesthesia or sedation. Dr. Trupiano will make an incision from one hip to the other hip, pull back the skin, and repair the underlying muscles. Then, the skin will be stretched and tightened while excess tissue will be removed.


Learn more about tummy tuck surgery with our frequently asked questions.

Can a tummy tuck cause stomach issues?

Stomach cramps after a tummy tuck are common but these will resolve. A tummy tuck does not cause any long-term stomach issues.

Can you get pregnant after tummy tuck?

You can get pregnant after a tummy tuck but it is recommended you wait until you are done having children since future pregnancies will reverse the results of your tummy tuck.

Do you get a scar from a tummy tuck?

A scar does form after the tummy tuck procedure but it's typically very thin and can usually be hidden below your underwear.

How long do tummy tucks last?

The results of a tummy tuck can last for years if not decades. How long they last typically depends on the natural aging process, any fluctuations in your weight you experience, and how well you stick to a healthy lifestyle.

What are the side effects of a tummy tuck?

Some of the side effects that may come with a tummy tuck include bruising, redness, swelling, and scarring.

When can I start working out after tummy tuck?

When you can start working out differs for each patient but generally, it's recommended you wait approximately 6 weeks before you start working out. And you should start off slowly to build up your strength.

Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck?

A good candidate for a tummy tuck is anyone who is at a stable weight, has realistic expectations, is a nonsmoker, and has issues with the appearance of their abdomen. Those with separated abdominal muscles are also good candidates for the procedure as well.

Why would you need a tummy tuck?

There are numerous reasons why people have tummy tucks including everything from wanting to tighten the skin in the abdominal area to strengthening the muscles in the area to removing some excess fat.

Will a tummy tuck make my stomach flat?

Results will vary for each patient, but generally, the tummy tuck procedure does make the stomach area flatter.

What is included in a tummy tuck in Birmingham, MI?

A full abdominoplasty will remove the excess skin from your abdomen and tighten all underlying abdominal muscles. A partial abdominoplasty will remove excess skin and tighten the lower abdominal muscles.

Can I drive myself home from my tummy tuck in Troy, MI?

You must have a caregiver drive you home from surgery and take care of you for the evening.

How many sizes do you lose with a tummy tuck performed in Grosse Pointe, MI?

Patients may lose two to three pant sizes after their tummy tuck procedure. This varies based on each patient and how much excess skin they have removed.

What is the ideal weight I should be at before my tummy tuck in Troy, MI?

It is best to be relatively close to your desired weight for six to twelve months before your tummy tuck. You should be within 15 pounds of your goal weight.

Does insurance ever cover a tummy tuck in Troy, MI?

Insurance companies rarely cover tummy tuck procedures since they are generally elective and not medically required.


at Trupiano Plastic Surgery

If you are interested in tummy tuck surgery and want to learn if the procedure suits your body’s goals and needs, contact us today at Trupiano Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation. Dr. Trupiano looks forward to helping you achieve your dream contours at our Troy, MI, office.

Schedule Your Consultation

Learn if a tummy tuck is right for you by contacting us today to schedule a private consultation.


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