With warmer weather fast approaching, you may be daydreaming about summer picnics and beach days. However, if you are a male living with gynecomastia, warmer weather and beach season may be a cause of anxiety. Gynecomastia can cause male breast tissue to swell and result in what some people refer to as “man boobs” in one or both breasts.

Gynecomastia can cause men to feel self-conscious about going shirtless because of how their breast enlargement mimics female breast tissue. If you are living with gynecomastia, read on to learn more about the condition, and what can be done to remedy the excess fatty tissue.


Gynecomastia is most commonly caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. When testosterone production decreases, estrogen excess can cause male breast tissue to swell. Male breast enlargement usually occurs in boys going through puberty, but can also occur in older men, and can affect just one or both breasts.

In cases where a child experiences male breast tissue growth or swollen breast tissue, it is commonly referred to as prepubertal gynecomastia and could be caused by elevated estrogen production. In adult cases, chronic gynecomastia may be caused by increased estrogen production or primary and secondary hypogonadism. In rarer cases, the presence of a testicular tumor or chronic kidney disease can cause male breast tissue proliferation.

There are also a number of medications that can cause gynecomastia, including anti-androgens, anabolic steroids, anti-anxiety medications, heart medications, and more. The use of alcohol and street drugs such as marijuana can also cause gynecomastia to occur.


For men who wish to eliminate their excess male breast tissue, surgical treatment like male breast reduction can help. This treatment of gynecomastia can help you achieve a flatter, more masculine chest by reducing adipose tissue and reducing breast development.

During surgery, excess body fat and glandular tissue will be removed using liposuction, excision, or both to treat gynecomastia. While downtime is dependent on the invasiveness of the procedure, patients often find that the outcome is worth the wait.

If you are living with breast enlargement or excess glandular breast tissue, you can take action against your insecurities associated with gynecomastia. Contact our Troy office today to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Trupiano. We would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about gynecomastia and breast pain!


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