If you’re having trouble losing a few extra pounds in a specific area with diet and exercise, liposuction can be a good option. It removes fat cells from specific areas and can help contour the body.

But before the procedure, it’s important to know everything you can so you’re as prepared as possible. Let’s take a look at ten things about liposuction that can help make the process go a little smoother.

There Are Different Types of Liposuction

There are a few different types of liposuction. They include tumescent liposuction which is the most common type, the super-wet technique, and more.

Tumescent liposuction involves injecting a large amount of solution into the affected areas before the fat is removed. The fluid includes an anesthetic, epinephrine, and an IV salt solution. The epinephrine helps reduce blood loss, swelling, and bruising and the IV solution makes removing the fat easier.

The super-wet technique is similar to tumescent liposuction but despite the name, not as much fluid is used and the process takes less time. This method typically requires some form of sedation or general anesthesia.

There is also laser-assisted liposuction which uses lasers to liquefy the fat cells and then those cells are vacuumed out or drained out through small tubes.

Liposuction Is Not a Weight Loss Solution

While liposuction is used to remove fat from the body and leads to weight loss, it is not a weight loss solution. Liposuction reshapes the body. It’s typically advised for people who are close to their optimal body weight and are simply looking to reshape a few stubborn areas. A healthy diet and an exercise regime are still recommended before and after the procedure.

It Has Certain Candidacy Criteria

Some people are better candidates for liposuction than others. Those who are near their ideal weight and who aren’t experiencing obesity are the best candidates.

Ideal candidates have also tried to improve the areas of their bodies with diet and exercise before moving on to liposuction. Having a stable weight for at least six months is also recommended.

Additionally, non-smokers in good health with good skin elasticity and realistic expectations are great candidates for the procedure.

Anesthesia Is Used During Liposuction

Liposuction is often performed under anesthesia. The type of anesthesia used can differ from person to person. The part of the body that is being treated often determines the type of anesthetic used.

Local, regional, and general anesthesia can be used and one is not considered better than the other. It just depends on each patient’s individual needs.

Recovery Time Varies

How long your recovery time is can depend on the size of the treatment, the kind of liposuction used, and the patient’s general health. Recovery time can range from a few days to a few weeks and you will likely need to take some time off work. Especially if you have a physically demanding job where you’re lifting heavy items or moving around a lot.

Ways To Aid In Recovery

There are quite a few things you can do to aid in your recovery and possibly shorten the time you’re off your feet. No matter what type of liposuction you have or where you’re having it done, it’s important you follow your doctor’s post-op instructions. Wear a compression garment when necessary, clean your incisions as directed, and rest as much as possible. And avoid smoking and alcohol for at least a few days after the procedure.

You will likely be able to return to work after a couple of days and go back to a normal level of activity after 2-4 weeks.

Can Be Done In a Variety of Areas

While liposuction is well-known for removing fat and sculpting the areas of the stomach and lower body, it can actually be done on many other areas of the body as well. Liposuction can be used on the following areas:

  • Double Chin
  • Back of Neck
  • Bottom of Upper Arms
  • Female Breasts
  • Outer Thighs or Saddlebags
  • Bra Strap Area
  • Muffin Top
  • Love Handles
  • Male Breasts

Preparing for Liposuction Is Important

Preparing for liposuction is just as important as taking it easy during the recovery period. You’ll need to avoid smoking, alcohol, and blood thinner medications a week or more before the treatment. You may also be required to get blood work done.

About 12 hours before the procedure, you’ll want to avoid any food or drink.

Since you’ll likely be under some form of anesthesia, you’ll also want someone to drive you home after the procedure and help you around the house for at least a day or two..

What The Results Look Like

Your plastic surgeon will help you anticipate what your results will look like. After surgery, you may not see many results because there will be swelling and bruising. It usually takes a few weeks to months to see the full results of the liposuction procedure.

The fat cells are permanently removed but if you don’t stick to a healthy diet and regular exercise, you could see new fat cells grow in the treated area.

You Can Have It Done Along With Other Procedures

Liposuction can be done along with many other procedures. It’s often combined with breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, or a breast lift. These procedures are done together to even out your body’s proportions or limit the amount of sagging skin you have after liposuction. Multiple procedures can also greatly affect your overall results.

Schedule A Consultation

If liposuction sounds like the right option for you and you’d like to know more, scheduling a consultation with Trupiano Plastic Surgery is your best next step. Dr. Trupiano and his team can answer any questions you may have and help build a customized treatment plan.

To schedule a consultation today, call us at our Troy, MI office at (248) 220-3310 or use our online contact form. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals.


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